Sunday, October 21, 2007

'Tis But a Scratch

...though it still hurts.

My poor car got a nasty dent in it's front driver's side wheel well. It was not my fault, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating. I was turning right out of a parking lot while the person in front of me was turning left. He headed out into the street without looking too closely and had to stop because there was traffic coming. That would have been fine because I was going by him to the right turn lane except he thought he was too far out in the street and decided to back up--without looking to see if someone was behind him. Crunch.

No one was injured--in fact, he wouldn't have even known he hit me if I hadn't hit my horn to get his attention. Still, now I have to deal with insurance. The most annoying part about it was waiting around for an hour for the cop to arrive and fill out paperwork. What a pain. Even though it's not my fault my insurance will probably go up. Grr...

And now my poor Quetzacoatl has a bad side. There were already two nasty door dings on the driver's side, so I guess this is just one more scar. Oh well. At least it's only superficial and didn't do any serious damage that impairs its ability to drive me where I need to go. The other driver was very nice as well and kept apologizing. I felt kind of bad for him because I know he got ticketed and he seemed like a very nice person who already has a lot of problems in his life--his wife has cancer, etc. Poor guy. Car accidents suck no matter what end you're on.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Car accidents DO suck. Though bad when a person does it, it's still bad when an animal causes injury. blech!