Thursday, March 17, 2005

Spring Fever

Spring is on the way.

I can feel it in the air, that slight change between frigid winter air and a touch of warmth hidden behind a cool breeze. I can see it in the length of the day and the bright sunshine breaking the steel grey of winter. I can hear it in the birds chatting in the morning so absent through the long months of winter. I can smell it in that oh so subtle tang in the air of growing things on the verge of bursting to life; the smell of grass and flowers and trees ... and green.

Yes, the smell of green. The smell of St. Patrick's Day. The sound of drunks running past our building, hollering and yipping with glee. The sound of horns honking as the endless stream of cars headed for nearby bars drive by. I suppose that's what you get for working in the middle of one of the largest concentration of bars in the city. The sound of too-loud music thumping from passing cars. The fear that your car, parked oh so innocently in the parking lot is going to get trashed by partyers who are already drunk at 2:30 in the afternoon.

You can try to ignore the madness, but it is difficult when you already have spring fever. I want to be outside. I feel like my body is expanding, reaching, trying to find the fresh air it knows is just outside that thin plate of glass called a window. I could open the window, but I know it would make the desire to be outside in the sunlight that much stronger. So, I'll sit inside, listening to the craziness outside my window and biding my time until 5:00. It might help if this pdf would export a little faster.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Obsess Much?

I'm not talking about the stalker kind of obsession, though I suppose if you could get in trouble for stalking animated characters, I might be up for some serious charges.

Spike: Stay back! I have a restraining order!

Amon: I do the stalking here, not you. And you're not Robin so I don't care. Go away.

Seishirou: I never met someone who was as good at stalking as I am. Please, continue.

Hero: I'll kill you.

YD21: Wait a minute; I never stalked you, Hero.

Hero: Zechs has paid me quite a bit of money to get you off his tail.

YD21: That blond masked bastard.

Anyway, on to the real subject of this post: obsession. And the stages one goes through when obsessed.

The Cycle of Obsession

Stage One Discovery of New (Anime/Game/Book):
"Such and such told me this was a good (anime/game/book). Maybe I should check it out."
Subject begins to (watch/play/read). "Hmm, this is pretty good. Maybe I'll just (watch/play/read) a little more."
It is now 3am.
"Wow, how long have I been (watch/play/read)ing this (anime/game/book)? Looks like I can't go any farther. Such and such only let me borrow the first (disc/book). I guess I'll just have to wait until I see Such and Such again."

Stage Two Inability to Wait for More:
"Well, Such and Such is busy until next Friday, but I have to know what happens to (main character) and (main character's romantic interest or cool secondary character). Maybe, I'll do just a little checking online. I don't want to spoil myself or anything though."
Several hundred fan fictions and really cool images later…
"I can't believe my favorite character dies! But at least I'm prepared for it now. And I now have examples of every possible pairing of characters so I'm ready for anything. I still want to know what was going on in that one (screencap/snippet) I (saw/read). I swear I saw (mysterious character) in a tutu. I just don't know why. Maybe I could find some (episodes/emulators/chapters) online too."
After attempting download after download, subject is left with nothing.
"Damn bit torrent. Don't give me that incorrect server crap! DOWNLOAD, DAMN YOU!"

Stage Three Resorts to Begging:
"Such and Such, I just have to (see/play/read) more. Can I please come by your house and borrow it?! WHAT?! You loaned it out to someone else?" Pause. "Where do they live?"
After months of waiting, subject finally (sees/plays/reads), the (anime/game/book) they have been craving.
Wipes away tears. "That was so wonderful! I love it. I wish they would make a sequel. Another sequel. An OAV? Please! I can't wait until all the merchandise I ordered for the (anime/game/book) arrives!"

Stage Four Attempts to Convert the World:
"Have you ever (seen/played/read) this (anime/game/book)? You should. I've bought my own copy. Would you like to watch it? Now!" Forces friend to sit down and (watch/play/read) right that moment.
Posts information about (anime/game/book) on website. (Draws/Writes) numerous (fanart/fanfiction) and forces others to (view/read). Joins a forum and endlessly debates with others on subtleties of the (anime/game/book). Purchases every scrap of memorabilia associated with the (anime/game/book) no matter the cost or difficulty of obtaining. Decides to dress up as favorite character for Halloween or for a convention.

Stage Five Moving On:
Many months, or perhaps years, after initial obsession period subject's obsession begins to fade.
"I still really love that (anime/game/book). But I just discovered this other (anime/game/book). It's awesome. I'm going to have to do a little searching on the internet for more info, and I've already ordered the (DVD boxed set/Japanese version of the game/collector’s edition book)."

So, the cycle continues. And lets not even get started on what happens when the subject rediscovers an old obsession. Don't know why I decided to go on and on about that now. Maybe it's because I'm currently in between strong obsessions. Most of my current obsessions are in Stage Five though I'm still working on rekindling them. I suppose I'm just preparing myself for my trip and all the new obsessions I'm sure will come out of it.

Well, enough of that for now. I don't know about you, but I have some stalking to do.