Saturday, February 04, 2006


This one's for you, lizalou. And I miss you already. This was quite the meme. It took for-freakin'-ever! But it was worth it. I wrote it totally stream of consciousness, so I'm sure I forgot a lot of important stuff, but I think I'll leave it like it is even if I do remember.

About You
Preferred name: Alia, though you can call me Al if I can call you Betty.
Preferred location: Taerynia, living at Northreach with my honey Arrowin.. or was it Cymon? :)
Defining age: 200. Here's hoping I get there. As I've been discussing with theCallowQueen, I don't know if I'll ever be completely defined. My definition keeps evolving.

Be Honest
Name: Alia. My name is so cool I don't have to lie.
Location: Kansas City
Age: Twenty and four

Define Yourself
What's true: I really am totally awesome. Oh, and I am a bit obsessive compulsive (a bit?!) and I worry way too much. I also care too much about many things and that can be a blessing and a curse. It's good to care about others, but its not good to mother them. I am not evil, though I like evil characters. And some folks say I'm a terrific writer. Actually, I don't know if any folks have ever said that, but I do like to write and I couldn't help the Homestar quotage. That reminds me... I like to quote things too.
What's misrepresented: I'm not really as arrogant as I made myself sound in the previous answer. Other than that, I don't think I want to think about this answer too much. Most of what was misrepresented has been set straight already, and if it hasn't then I probably won't be able to change your mind about it anyway. "If you don't know me by now..."
#1 goal in life: To be happy and to contribute to the happiness of the people around me. All the rest is details.
Habits:Popping various joints, saying "you know" at the end of a sentence (I've just noticed this one recently), comparing things, second-guessing myself, apologizing.

Things You Did, Good and Bad
As a toddler: Watched Sesame Street all three times it came on during the day; liked to play in boxes and take canned foods out of the cupboard and organize them; wrote on the carpeting with black crayon because it looked cool; tried and failed to pick up the texture of the carpeting with silly puddy.
In elementary school: Recorded fake commercials, imagined on the playground at recess, obsessed about the Lord of the Rings and watched Star Trek with crysania17; roller skated, played in the tree and went on vacation with Brandi; freaked out when dad set the yard on fire; freaked out when mom practically cut her thumb in half while trimming the bushes; scraped my knee when I was trying to hide from the bus and fell (don't even ask); collected Lisa Frank stickers; liked to ride bike with my dad.
In high school: Played flute in school, in the Youth Symphony, Flute Choir, at Church and in KCYouth Wind Ensemble; never got a 1 on a flute solo because I always got too nervous and screwed up; began writing the epic story I'm still working on now; played in pep band at basketball games and chatted with Mike and his bass clarinet named Brutus; roleplayed with Tess and corresponded with her when she was in Japan; watched and obsessed over Babylon 5; got hooked on the Highlander and watched it when I got home from school; met Shivaindis who first introduced me to the wonderful world of anime.
In college: Met neowolf and lizalou, and from there many others; began my true obsession with anime; pigged out on tostitos cheese dip, bean dip and pizza rolls; played final fantasy X and kingdom hearts with neowolf; made anime music videos; skipped video and photo class as much as possible; worked my ass off in design classes and stressed and fretted and cursed over many a project; sanded hundreds of tiny blocks of wood to use in a project for Swindell; wrote parodies and obsessed about basketball players with neowolf; sang at St. Lawrence; worked with the stage crew at the Lied Center with lizalou and inuki; watched the Kodo Drummers from the catwalk with lizalou and neowolf; helped create an anime club at KU which fizzled before our last year; drew enough pictures to make a bishonen buffet; accidentally sent my final paper in Sociology to Ed, my boss at the Lied Center instead of my teacher; hung out in the computer lab after hours and listened to Air; was introduced to Homestarrunner; got rearended but took the blame; discovered that nothing stops Willie Nelson; started the quotage book.

Things You Do
Read: This list would be too long if I wrote everything down, so I'll just list categories: Manga of all kinds, Fantasy novels, my friends' blogs, fanfiction, articles about KU basketball.
Watch: Anime, Lost, Alias, Gilmore Girls, KU basketball, homestarrunner toons, Red vs Blue, my computer screen, and all of the old shows I have on DVD.
Sports: Yeah right. The most I do is watch basketball... and attempt to not die while on rollerblades.
Write: The Windsword Chronicles (my story), Fanfiction, ocassional blog entries, parodies
See: I could get really philosophical on this one, but I've decided not to be pretentious. So I'll just say that I see Cymon right now reading on one of the "fart" chairs in my room, and that I have not seen Theo lately. Lizalou, did you take him with you?
Hear: At the moment, a creepy song from RahXephon--which I skipped. So, now I'm hearing "Little Wing" from Scrapped Princess. Much more upbeat!
Love: My family and friends; people with positive attitudes; eating salty and sweet foods together; getting giddy about writing and sharing it with others; sharing obsessions; quoting things; that moment after you've finished cleaning when everything feels so organized and fresh; buying a stack of manga with a personal shopping day and coupon; drawing a satisfying picture; getting the giggles; creating something I'm proud of; myself, for the most part.

Things You Don't
Read: The paper unless there's an article about KU--sad, I know; long forwards threatening you to pass them along for good luck or else; Non-fiction.
Watch: Reality TV (excluding the Apprentice); most TV, actually; sports other than basketball; most movies.
Sports: Pretty much everything
Write: Letters, though I'm trying to change this one for lizalou since she's got no inet; love letters; memoirs
See: The future, though I do get premonitions sometimes.
Hear:Rap, unless it's in Japanese; COUNTRY MUSIC
Love: Extreme selfishness; rudeness; hatred; closed minds; assumptions; misunderstandings when there is no attempt to understand; excessive whining (yeah, I know I need to work on some of these things too).

Place(s) to be: In my room at my computer; with my friends and family, wherever they are; Japan; Lawrence; in my imaginary world; listening to good music in my car.
Thing(s) to do: Be silly; be creative, alone or with others; roleplay; play video games; listen to music loudly in my car while driving too fast down the highway; read manga while taking a relaxing bath with lots of nice smelling bath oil.
Person(s) to be with: All you guys--you know who you are, cuz you're reading this.

One Thing You Always
Wear: Watch; Underwear--sorry to disappoint; I don't really wear anything else with complete consistency.
Spell wrong: separately
Say wrong: superfluous
Complain about: headaches, not getting enough sleep
Compliment on: cute clothes, shoes or accessories
Wanted and don't have: A gazillion dollars; a laid back personality
Wanted and have: A laptop; great friends; video games
Promise and don't do: Let's not start this one... I've done far too much of this lately. But, the things that definitely come to mind are these: Update fanfiction, Watch what I eat, Exercise regularly, Keep in touch
Promise and do:Hmm... is there anything? I swear I have good intentions. I just take a long time to fulfill promises sometimes. Generally if I say I'll do something I do it; sometimes it just take a while. When I vow loyalty though, it's forever. Just like diamonds.

I made it to the end! Though it took a long time, I have to say this is one of the best questionaires I've filled out, lizalou. Thank you! It had just the right degree of randomness to get me thinking and remembering things I haven't thought of in a long time. Good luck to anyone who takes up the challenge of completing it yourself!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Wha' Happened?

It's been several weeks between posts again. What's my excuse? I don't know really. I've been really busy at work between our open house and all the jobs that came in afterward. It's good to be busy, but time has really flown. Leah-chan's been gone three weeks now, but at least we've heard from her and know she's okay even if she doesn't have internet yet. Damn! I should have used that for my excuse. I should have said I didn't have internet. But then again, we would have all known that was a lie.

I've also felt rather boring lately. Several times I have actually sat down to write an entry and given up because I had nothing interesting to say. I will blame part of my lack of creative blogging on the relocation of my creativity onto numerous projects at work as well as a renewed interest in writing on my Windsword Chronicles story whenever I can work it in. That reminds me that I'm supposed to send Big Bold D and M some of my story to read... oops. I will do it soon. I promise. I hope. I'm tired of promising things and not following through. It makes me feel pathetic and useless.

Let's see...what else...

I've got nothing. See? I told you I'm boring.

Currently listening to: Ed's Tank~Cowboy Bebop Boxed Set Yoko Kanno