Friday, February 03, 2006

Wha' Happened?

It's been several weeks between posts again. What's my excuse? I don't know really. I've been really busy at work between our open house and all the jobs that came in afterward. It's good to be busy, but time has really flown. Leah-chan's been gone three weeks now, but at least we've heard from her and know she's okay even if she doesn't have internet yet. Damn! I should have used that for my excuse. I should have said I didn't have internet. But then again, we would have all known that was a lie.

I've also felt rather boring lately. Several times I have actually sat down to write an entry and given up because I had nothing interesting to say. I will blame part of my lack of creative blogging on the relocation of my creativity onto numerous projects at work as well as a renewed interest in writing on my Windsword Chronicles story whenever I can work it in. That reminds me that I'm supposed to send Big Bold D and M some of my story to read... oops. I will do it soon. I promise. I hope. I'm tired of promising things and not following through. It makes me feel pathetic and useless.

Let's see...what else...

I've got nothing. See? I told you I'm boring.

Currently listening to: Ed's Tank~Cowboy Bebop Boxed Set Yoko Kanno

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