Sunday, September 30, 2007

Thanks to you!

Just wanted to thank any of you who voted for my fanfiction in the UFO awards. I actually won something. Lookie here! A major award! Even better than a leg lamp.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


My week has been pretty disappointing at nearly every turn--starting with my eye doctor's appointment on Monday. Luckily, it seems to be improving somewhat, though the seminar I had really been looking forward to yesterday turned out to be a major waste of time.

I was supposed to leave the training a Photoshop guru. Instead, I found that--judging by the super useful tips our facilitator was sharing with us--I'm already practically a guru. I know how to use the pen tool and everything. That's right. I can make a COB. Aren't you jealous? Apparently there was more than one person present at the seminar who would have been because they asked the facilitator to go into greater detail about this tool. I mean much is there to learn? And he literally talked us through every step: click, drag, opt+click, drag.

What a drag. On top of that, many of the "techniques" taught in the seminar that weren't simply shameless self promotion on the part of the facilitator verged on offensively cheesey and not the kind of design I would care to pursue. You can call me a snob if you like. It's probably true.

Yes, I now know how to create a fake 3d lamp from scratch and make lightning with five filters or less. Because I'm going to use crap like that every day. And, if I"m "retouching" a photo I run into situations all the time when I feel the need to light the unlit candle in the room or open the wine bottle that the idiot photography failed to notice was still sealed. Even if I did encounter such a circumstance, I think I could probably figure out how to fix it on my own. To his credit, the facilitator was an amazing digital illustrator--if you're into hyper realism--but considering the majority of his audience were either photographers or designers and not illustrators, he could have improved his subject matter.

At least the day wrapped up nicely last night. I met some friends at AMC 29--just sounds weird with one less theater--to watch the Robotech movie on a bigger screen. It was overpriced, but fun and we all had a good time laughing at the cheese and ridiculous dailog. Ah, thank God for Robotech. And Flight of the Conchords. Listening to their goofy music in my car has saved my brain this week.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Devil May Cry 4 Lookalikes

While I have been whining about this game for some time, some of my frustrations have lessened due to certain improvements in character design. I'm still frustrated that Dante is not the main character, and the trailer video posted on the official website is painful to watch since it mostly involves Nero (the main character who supposedly has nothing to do with Dante despite the fact that he looks an awful lot like him and his name is even part of Vergil's title from the first game) beating the shit out of him. It's rather sad.

At least Dante no longer looks like Bill Pullman as he did in the picture below:

He now looks a lot more like Josh Holloway, which is exactly as things should be:

But while we're talking lookalikes, Nero is looking more an more like Tidus. Though I've seen very little of him in action (other than him ridiculously handing Dante's ass to him) I just know that he's going to be a huge whiner. This is his story after all. Grrr...