Thursday, September 22, 2005

Motivation, Inspiration, Creation

So, we all know that I often get involved in way too many projects at once. I push myself and try to get motivated and accomplish things, but the projects I create for myself have such a wide scope that I tend to get discouraged and frustrated with my lack of progress. Then I get lazy and burned out and don't work on them for awhile. Then I feel guilty about not getting anything done and try to force myself to work on them and end up making something I'm not satisfied with.

Well, I know I have issues, but apparently I'm not the only one with them. This is of course something I knew already, but it's always good to hear it again. It's also good to hear someone else's perspective on such things as well as input on how to make them happen.

Recently, I've started listening to Franklin McMahon's podcast, and I have to say it's making a difference already in my mood, my motivation and my confidence. So many of the things he is talking about are things I've been thinking about myself. It's almost eerie. But knowing I'm on the right track by hearing someone successful talking about them really helps my confidence.

You can find his website here. You can also find it in iTunes under podcasts.

Check it out. I don't think you'll regret it.

Through his website I also found out about a self-publishing website: It sounds totally awesome, and if—no, when—I finally get my story finished, I'll have to look into lulu as an option.

Well, that's it for today. I'm busy stuffing files and organizing things on our server.

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